
Showing posts from February, 2020

Episode #58: Acing your Music Teacher Evaluation

In this episode , Tanya and Carrie discuss strategies and tips for acing your music teacher evaluation.  Your evaluation should be a natural demonstration of the amazing work you do every day with your students.  But let's be honest:  it's perfectly normal to want to up your game a little bit on those evaluation days to help you grow as an educator, and to advocate for your program and your students.  Here are our 5 tips for acing that evaluation! 5 Tips for Acing your Music Teacher Evaluation 1.  Know your expectations and the rubric that your evaluator will be using.   Use that rubric to help you set your routines, classroom management procedures, and overall curriculum.   Share links with your principal about Kodály-inspired teaching: OAKE website Holy Names University Kodály Center Ask friends/colleagues come in and observe you teach before your evaluation or make a video of a lesson and evaluate your sel...

Episode #57: Sample Lesson Plans in a Kodály-Inspired Classroom

In this episode , Carrie and Tanya share 2 sample lesson plans based off of their long-range planning as mentioned in Episode 56.   Tanya shares a Kindergarten lesson focusing on steady beat and high/low.  Carrie shares a 4th grade plan focusing on ti-ta-ti (syncopa) and high do.   Songs and Activities mentioned in this episode: *Clap Your Hands* Looby-Loo with percussion Hop Old Squirrel Here's a Nest for Robin Here's a nest for robin, Here's a hive for bee, Here's a hole for rabbit, And here's a home for me! Two Little Puppets Two little puppets, one on each hand, Isn't she lovely, isn't he grand? Her name is Bella, his name is Bo, She says "Good morning" (or afternoon), and he says "Hello!" "Personages with Long Ears" from Carnival of the Animals by Camille Saint-Saens *Old King Glory*   The Ants Go Marching  Illustrated by Dan Crisp ...