Episode #107: Increasing Student Engagement in the Music Room
Music Teacher Coffee Talk · MTCT Episode #107: Increasing Student Engagement Main Theme In this episode, Carrie and Tanya discuss some strategies for increasing student engagement in the music room. We encourage you to read this article, "How to Ensure Students Are Actively Engaged and Not Just Compliant," by Katrina Schwartz . In the article, Schwartz shares a list of qualities from John Almarode, associate professor at James Madison University and co-director of the school's Center for STEM Education and Outreach, that promote student engagement. Through his research, Almarode has observed students demonstrating cognitive engagement 84-86% of the time when at least 3 of these qualities are observed in a classroom. These 8 qualities are great to keep in mind when planning. Look for opportunities to purposefully plan at least a few of these engagement strategies into each of your lessons or : Does the activity, strategy, task, or idea allow for the student to personaliz...