
Showing posts from March, 2022

Episode #109: Learning Stations in the Music Room

Music Teacher Coffee Talk · MTCT #109: Learning Stations Main Theme: Learning Stations in the Music Room Why have Learning Stations? Great way to practice known concepts Allows for small group learning and collaboration Provides intervention opportunities Fun and engaging! Who can enjoy Learning Stations and who are in your groups? Learning Stations can be adapted for all elementary students from Kindergarten up! Students can be grouped randomly, by behavior, by skill. Students can have the opportunity to choose their own group. When should Learning Stations be planned? Use Learning Stations when practicing known concepts. Learning Stations can be used as a way to intensely practice one particular concept or unit. Learning Stations can be used at the end of a grading term to practice multiple concepts learned. Learning Stations are a great way to incorporate holidays and seasons.  They are also perfect right before a school break! Great for sub days and no-voice days! Great for e...

Episode #108: Why OAKE?

Music Teacher Coffee Talk · MTCT #108: Why OAKE? In this episode, Tanya and Carrie discuss the benefits of membership in the Organization of American Kodály Educators. We also discuss some of our takeaways from the 2022 OAKE National Conference in Pittsburgh. Highs and Lows Tanya mentioned the introducing her students to the Ukranian band DakhaBrakha. Here are some links so you can check them out too: DakhaBrakha live on KEXP DakhaBrakha Facebook page Carrie had fun using these long and short-short animal sound kits with her Kindergarten students this week. Each kiddo got an individual pack they could take home. Here's what they look like: Main Theme: Why OAKE? Here are some resources we mention while discussing the benefits of membership in the Organization of American Kodály Educators and our favorite sessions from the 2022 OAKE conference: OAKE website ¡Canta Conmigo!: Songs and Singing Games from Guatemala and Nicaragua   by Rachel Gibson Sound Thinking by Philip Tacka and Mi...