
Showing posts from February, 2024

Episode #152: Performances in a Pinch

Music Teacher Coffee Talk · MTCT #152: Performances in a Pinch   Main Theme: Performances in a Pinch In this episode, Tanya and Carrie discuss strategies for putting together a musical performance when you are short on time. Keep a simple theme or concept to your performance Picture book adaptation Thematic concert Informance Interactive experience like a Singing Games night or Folk Dance night Keep costumes/scenery at minimum Maximize class time Split different parts or sections of the performances among different classes/sections so each group doesn't have to learn everything. Use musical selections that you have already taught Give students opportunities to practice at home by sending home practice sheets or posting to Google Classroom (or whatever LMS you use) Get help from other teachers or parent volunteers Avoid the time crunch next year Schedule your programs for next year in May Limit your performances to what is doable for you and don't say yes to everything Past Mu...

Episode #151: Tips from the Trenches

Music Teacher Coffee Talk · MTCT #151: Tips from the Trenches Main Theme: Tips from the Trenches Tanya and Carrie share their favorite, tried-and-true "work smarter, not harder" teacher tips.  Tips for Lesson and Classroom Planning Set a timer to stay focused on specific tasks. Keep an index card or paper handy to write notes of things you will take care of later so can you continue to be focused on one task at a time. Take time to write down notes on lessons you've already taught to make sure you teach the same thing to future classes. For family communications, send home at least 3 notices in either paper or electronic form: 1st notice: At least 1 month out 2nd notice: 2 weeks out 3rd notice: 3 days out Tech Tips: Organize Google Drive folders with color coding and number system that works for you. Use Canva to make worksheets Schedule emails Use Google Classroom (or another LMS) for extracurricular ensembles and clubs Make a master Google Slides deck to house all vis...