Episode #151: Tips from the Trenches
Main Theme: Tips from the Trenches
Tanya and Carrie share their favorite, tried-and-true "work smarter, not harder" teacher tips.
Tips for Lesson and Classroom Planning
- Set a timer to stay focused on specific tasks. Keep an index card or paper handy to write notes of things you will take care of later so can you continue to be focused on one task at a time.
- Take time to write down notes on lessons you've already taught to make sure you teach the same thing to future classes.
- For family communications, send home at least 3 notices in either paper or electronic form:
- 1st notice: At least 1 month out
- 2nd notice: 2 weeks out
- 3rd notice: 3 days out
Tech Tips:
- Organize Google Drive folders with color coding and number system that works for you.
- Use Canva to make worksheets
- Schedule emails
- Use Google Classroom (or another LMS) for extracurricular ensembles and clubs
- Make a master Google Slides deck to house all visuals and materials for one specific rhythmic or melodic concepts
- Save space on your bookmarks bar on your browser by organizing sites into folders. Or when creating a bookmark, leave a title off and it will just show up as the icon.
Productivity/Organization Tips:
- Use school planning time to only do tasks you can do at school
- Reset and tidy up your room everyday before you go home
- Set out everything you need the night before. Charge your computer, set out clothes for the next day, make your lunch, and do anything else that will make your morning easier.
- Keep a bulletin board outside of your room to hold extra copies paperwork that you send home
Know Better, Do Better
Carrie shared a takeaway from attending a recent workshop with Brandi Waller-Pace. Brandi gave good advice for white music educators in regards to presenting music to students that is outside of their culture and the importance of research and giving students exposure to culture bearers, either live or through video.
Work Smarter, Not Harder
Tanya reminds us to not do things that students can do, such as count off numbers for groups, reload and orgnize paperwork, organize classroom materials, and help tidy the room.
Carrie recommends American Nightmare on Netflix
Tanya recommends the game Blank Slate
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