
Showing posts from August, 2022

Episode #118: Setting Students Up for Success in the Music Room

Music Teacher Coffee Talk · MTCT #118: Setting Students Up for Success in the Music Room Main Theme: Setting Students up for Success in the Music Room In this episode, Carrie and Tanya talk about setting students up for success in the music room through routines and procedures that are explicitly taught and practiced through musical activities. Consider routines and procedures for the following: Assigned seats Making a circle Finding a movement partner Instruments - passing out and putting away Instrument rest position Attention signal Bathroom/drink signal Question signal Turn and talk partners Lining up/line leaders Consider creating a check list where you can keep track of your procedures and process in which you will teach them. Here's a copy of ours that you can edit and use for your own classroom. Know Better, Do Better Tanya reminded us of the importance of using culturally inclusive picture books and songs in your classroom, even if your student population is predominantly...

Episode #117: Setting Up the Music Room

Music Teacher Coffee Talk · MTCT #117: Setting Up the Music Room   Main Theme: Setting Up the Music Room Things to consider: Student seating Will you use chairs, risers, spots on the floor, flexible seating, or any combination of those? Carrie is using these Sit Spots on the carpet. Tanya created laminated spots on her hard tiled floor. Will you have assigned seats? Instrument and materials Create zones for different types of materials (ie: instruments in one area, manipulatives in another, books in another) Where will you store large items like tubanos and bass bars if you don't have large closets or cabinets? Carrie created a nook behind the piano for those items. How will you categorize bins of non-pitched percussion? Label everything so you can find things quickly! This is also helpful for guest teachers coming into your room so they can find the things you refer to in your plans. Consider long-term storage for lesser used items (ie: seasonal things or props/costumes for pro...