Episode #118: Setting Students Up for Success in the Music Room

Main Theme: Setting Students up for Success in the Music Room

In this episode, Carrie and Tanya talk about setting students up for success in the music room through routines and procedures that are explicitly taught and practiced through musical activities. Consider routines and procedures for the following:
  • Assigned seats
  • Making a circle
  • Finding a movement partner
  • Instruments - passing out and putting away
  • Instrument rest position
  • Attention signal
  • Bathroom/drink signal
  • Question signal
  • Turn and talk partners
  • Lining up/line leaders
Consider creating a check list where you can keep track of your procedures and process in which you will teach them. Here's a copy of ours that you can edit and use for your own classroom.

Know Better, Do Better

Tanya reminded us of the importance of using culturally inclusive picture books and songs in your classroom, even if your student population is predominantly white. It's important to give our students windows in which they can see cultures and traditions that are different than their own. Here are a few resources on this topic:

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Tech tip from Carrie: When titling digital files, documents, and folders by grade level, it's helpful to add a zero before the K of Kindergarten so those items will appear before 1st grade. Here's how my folders look in Google Drive:


Carrie recommends American Crime Story on Hulu


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