Episode #160: Peek at our Week: Kindergarten


Main Theme: Peek at our Week - Kindergarten plans

Tanya: These songs and activities were used over two 45-minute lessons with a focus on practicing routines and procedures, preparing loud and soft, preparing the 4 voices, and having fun!

That's a Mighty Pretty Motion - movement

When Dogs Wake Up - vocal exploration

Hickety Pickety Bumblebee - name game

Hickety, Pickety, Bumblebee
Won’t you say your name for me? (child says his or her name)

Bye Low, Baby-Oh and Here's a Little Baby finger play - preparing loud and soft

Grizzly Bear - preparing loud and soft

Cuckoo - singing voice

Very Lonely Firefly  and Firefly - picture book and listening

Johnny Works with One Hammer - steady beat movement

Come Along Everybody - following movement

Listen, Listen Here I Come - Playing drums

Peanut Butter and Jelly - picture book and preparing 4 voices

Carrie: These songs and activities were used over 3 days of 25-minute lessons with a focus on practicing routines and procedures, finding our singing voices, and having fun!

Follow Me - entering the class

Sing Hello to Everyone - learning names and beat motions

Cuckoo, Where are You? - solo singing with Cuckoo puppet

Tres Pajaritos - echo singing with bird finger puppets

Little Bird Dance (aka Chicken dance) - practice movement through space by flying around the room on the B section and return to spot for A section

Little Green - picture book and vocal exploration

Playing egg shakers: practicing instrument procedures and preparing fast/slow

Know Better, Do Better

Carrie reminds us of the importance of knowing your students IEP, 504, and Health Plan accommodations. Look especially for things regarding preferential seating, aural/visual needs, sensory needs, etc.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Tanya reminds us of the power of verbally observing kids who are doing the right thing as a way praise those students and encouraging other student to do the same. Saying things like "I notice (student name) is standing quietly in line" is powerful.


Carrie recommends the Netflix show "Worst Roommate Ever"
Tanya recommends the Netflix show "America's Sweethearts"

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