Episode #150: What to do when you have "That Class"

Upcoming Event!

February 10, 2024 9:00-1:00
Carrie and Tanya will present "Work Smarter, Not Harder"
at Shenandoah University in Winchester, VA

Main Theme: What to do when you have "That Class"

Things we mention in this episode:

Know Better, Do Better

Tanya talks about the concept of narrative vs. counter-narrative when considering music to present to your students. This is a concept that Brandi Waller-Pace presented at a resent workshop for the Rocky Mountain Chapter of AOSA. This is a great reminder to include under represented musicians who may not have the notoriety of other musicians who are better known.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Carrie talks about the "click and drag" method of moving students in the room. You just pretend like you are clicking and dragging the kids like you would move items on a screen. It's a great non-contact visual way to move students from one place to another.


Tanya recommends the book The Measure by Nikki Erlick

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  1. I just want to say thank you for this episode. It came up on my feed on the same day I had "that class" and it helped me to sit down and reevaluate and come up with a plan for the next time I see them. This particular class has felt like its been spiraling so we'll see how the next day with them goes. But I feel more confident now that I have a solid plan. I think as long as I stick to and stay calm and consistent, I can bring them around. Thanks again!

    1. That's wonderful to hear! We're so glad to give you a few new strategies to try. Thanks for listening!


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