Episode #82: Planning for the Second Semester

In this episode, Carrie and Tanya discuss how we planning and adjusting for the second semester of the 2020-2021 school year.

Main Theme

January is a great time to reevaluate your long-term, yearly plans and make necessary adjustments for the second half of the year. This is especially true this year when so much has changed and is continuing to evolve. We used the following questions to guide our discussion:
  • How have your yearly plans changed this year?

  • How are you adjusting for the second semester based on what was taught in the first semester and what current student needs are?

  • How have you adapted your Kodály-inspired concept plans and the pacing in which you prepare, present, and practice concepts?

  • What concepts or activities have you chosen to remove this year? What have you put in its place?

Know Better, Do Better

As inspired by a question from David Marx on Instagram, we discussed how we would respond to a student statement regarding vocal stereotypes based on race or color. We talked about the importance of exposing students to a wide spectrum of vocal timbres from people of many races, colors, and gender.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

This great tip was shared by Amy Burns on social media. To create a simple, play-only YouTube video link with no comments or suggested videos, simply add a - (dash/hyphen), to the address link after the "t" of youtube. Then share the modified link with students on other platforms (ie: Seesaw) and they get a direct link to the video with all the extra, distracting stuff!

Here's an example:


In this episode's Coda section, we shared our 21 for 2021 lists. Learn more about it and consider making your own list of concrete goals.


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