Episode #86: New Favorites for 2nd Grade
In this episode, Carrie and Tanya discuss our new and renewed favorites for 2nd grade. We talk about our general curriculum for the year, and a few specific songs and activities that we have done this year, or will be trying soon.
Main Theme
Carrie started her 2nd grade year with a focus on SEL through music, identifying emotions in music, and reviewing instrument families and instruments of the orchestra. If you are interested in ideas and resources for teaching about instruments of the orchestra, check out our Episode #31.
Next we moved into rhythmic review of ta, ti-ti, and rest. One new favorite for teaching/reviewing rest is Zapatitos Blancos.
After reviewing rest, we moved on to new material and I presented half note, aka "two." One favorite song for this are Button You Must Wander, assuming you are using the version that holds out the half note rather than a quarter-rest.
In the second part of the year, we moved onto melodic content. We started by reviewing so and mi patterns, using the call from Pizza Pizza Daddy-O for a reading, playing improvisation. Besides playing the game, we played the so-mi "pizza pizza daddy-o" pattern on barred instruments, and on another day, students improvised a new so-mi pattern using the same rhythm for the response. We then reviewed la, and in our next rotation we will be exploring do. I plan to use favorites the students already know from this year such as Apple Tree and I'm on the King's Land.
Tanya has also been focusing on rhythmic concepts so far with 2nd grade. The introduced half note, aka "two," using Frere Jacques and Who's That Tapping at the Window.
Another lovely song for half note, and for do-re-mi melodic patterns is the Irish lullaby Shoheen Sho. Consider how you can change the lyrics (either with collaboratively with students or ahead of time) to be more gender inclusive.
Tanya has also been doing a lot of mindfulness for her 2nd graders. We include Mindful Musical minutes in every class where we listen to music. One favorite for March/St. Patrick's Day is "Harry's Game" by Clannad. While listening, student enjoy lying down and some refer to a bulletin board with options for breathing exercises they can try. It's also important to remember singing just for the fun of singing! Another St. Patrick's Day favorite we've been enjoying is Rattlin' Bog.
Know Better, Do Better
Takeaways from the book So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
- Believe BBIA when they tell you your comments/behavior are problematic
- Educate yourself when you hear there's something you need to know more about (instead of asking for labor from BBIA)
Work Smarter, Not Harder
Seesaw has add a great feature so that drag and drop activities are easier for students with the "Lock Size" option. When you select this open, students can move objects, but cannot change the shape, size, or color.
Tanya recommends the "Framing Britney Spears" documentary on Hulu.
Carrie recommends the podcast "Murder Ballads" on Spotify.
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