Episode #102: Dear Student Teachers

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In this episode, Carrie interviews her former student teacher, Brian Celaya. We talk about the following topics in our conversation:

  • What do you look for when choosing a student teaching placement and cooperating teachers?
  • How do you prepare for student teaching?
  • How do you develop an organizational system with your cooperating teacher for both long-term planning (unit planning or concert planning) and daily lesson planning.
  • What schedule do recommend for the release of responsibilities to the student teacher? Should every student teacher have the opportunity to fully plan and teach at least a few days on their own?
  • What does effective communication and feedback look like between the cooperating teacher and student teacher?
  • Classroom management: How do you build relationships and establish classroom management procedures and techniques with students you do not know well? When do you ask for help when things aren't going well?
  • How do you stay healthy, sane, and balanced during teaching?

Brian recommends the video games Animal Crossing and Mario Party Superstars
Carrie recommends the podcast Morbid

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