Episode #113: Summer Plans for Reflection and Renewal

Main Theme: Summer Plans for Reflection and Renewal

  • What is a success from this year?
  • What was a struggle or failure from this year?
  • What surprised you?
  • What are you looking forward to next year?
  • How do you renew your personal self over the summer?
    • Family time
    • Reading and vegging out
    • Outdoor time, health, and exercise
    • Travel
    • Home organization
  • How do you renew your professional self over the summer?
    • Update concept plans and do light yearly/calendar planning
    • Edit teaching materials and organize
    • Take a break and set boundaries
    • Read!
It’s time for the 2022 Music Teacher Coffee Talk Summer Book Club! This year we will be reading Culturally Responsive Teaching & the Brain by Zaretta Hammond. Want to read and learn with us? Here’s how to join in!
1. Grab a copy and read! Or listen to the audiobook if that’s your preference.
2. Listen in to our episodes this summer where Carrie and Tanya will discuss what we’ve read and some practical applications to the music room. Here is the estimated schedule of our Summer Book Club episodes:
    Part 1: June 19
    Part 2: July 3
    Part 3: July 17
3. Look for our social media posts on Facebook and Instagram after we drop an episode. We’ll have some questions and we’d love for you to join the conversation by adding your responses or further questions.
4. Post pictures of your favorite summer reading spots on your socials. Be sure to tag us @musicteachercoffeetalk and add the hashtag #MTCT2022summerbookclub
5. Share this post with your music teacher friends, colleagues, and groups. Consider forming your own small discussion group either in person or online.

Know Better Do Better

Understanding and curbing summer break anxiety. Here are some things to consider to alleviate feelings of anxiety you might be seeing in your classroom towards the end of the year:
  • Maintain routines and procedures as much as possible.
  • Don't pack up/tear down the room too early. Start with things not visible (ie: organizing a closet or storage area first).
  • Avoid assignments or conversations about summer break plans, or be generic about summer experiences rather than asking kids to draw on their own (ie: have a campfire sing-along but don't ask kids to share about specific camping experiences).
  • Do not have a visible countdown of days until summer break.
  • Have empathy when dealing with behavior issues at the end of the year. Don't take things personally.
Here is an article that can help, especially if you have your own kids at home:

Washington Post: Kids’ anxiety can spike during the summer. Here’s why, and what parents can do to help. Perspective by Katie Hurley

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Tanya reminds us of the importance of taking breaks when tackling large tasks like organizing or packing up your classroom for the summer. Be careful not to burn yourself out too quickly and then not get the task done.


Carrie recommends the show Candy on Hulu.
Tanya recommends going to concerts. Yay live music! Tanya will be going to shows for Spoon, Bauhaus, Tears for Fears, and Jack White all in the next couple of weeks.

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