Episode# 123: Partwork
Main Theme
Sequence for building partwork skills:
1. Beat vs. Rhythm
- Put it in your body (pat beat on lap, tap rhythm in hands)
- Sing songs while patting beat or tapping rhythm:
- Bounce High Bounce Low
- Queen Queen Caroline
2. Rhythmic Ostinato
- Use a phrase from a song/chant as the ostinato
- Miss White
3. Melodic Ostinato
- Sing before putting on instruments
- Use a phrase from a song (ie: sing "ding ding dong" from Are You Sleeping)
- Ostinato song (sung to the tune of Are You Sleeping) - any phrase can become a melodic ostinato
Who are you? Who are you?
I'm a little pattern, I'm a little pattern,
I'm a little pattern, I'm a little pattern,
Stubborn too, Stubborn too.
4. Rounds and Canons
- Favorite resource: 150 Rounds for Singing and Teaching by Bolkovac and Johnson
5. Adding Chords - roots only
- Paw Paw Patch (I and V - do and low sol)
- Here Comes Mrs. Macaroni (I and V - do and low sol)
- Who Has Seen the Wind (i - low la)
- Students can play roots on barred instruments, or strum chords on autoharps or dulcimers.
6. Partner Songs
- Lil' Liza Jane and Tideo
- Old Abram Brown and Ghost of Tom
7. Simple harmony through contrasting parts
- Favorite resources: OAKE partwork collections: Sourwood Mountain, The Owl Sings, Turtle Dove
8. Challenging harmony: parallel 3rds and chordal harmony
- Sansa Kroma from Let Your Voice Be Heard
Know Better, Do Better
Carrie shared some research and thoughts about the history of "Jingle Bells" and its inclusion or exclusion from music classrooms. Remember the importance of doing your own research and making a decision that you think is best for your student population.
YouTube video: "The History of Jingle Bells - From Blackface to White Christmas...and beyond! by Traxploitation
Work Smarter, Not Harder
Tanya reminded us of the simple procedure of having students take responsibility of choosing the next "it" or "leader" for the game or activity, and then taking their spot in the circle or formation. The procedure saves time and keeps games moving smoothly.
Tanya is listening to the audiobook Surrender: 40 Songs, One Story by Bono
Carrie is reading The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab
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