Episode #129: "Real" Music and "School" Music: Bridging the Gap


Upcoming Event:

We will be presenting at the Organization of American Kodály Educators National Conference on Saturday, March 18 at 10:15 am. Our session is titled "Bright Ideas for New Performance Traditions." We'd love to see you there!

Main Theme

In this episode, Tanya and Carrie discuss the challenges of bridging the gap between "school" music (the music we teach in our classroom), and "real" music (the music students listen to and are familiar with from home and/or music from different cultures that is simply important to listen to). 

When emphasizing "Real" music in the classroom for study and listening, we consider the following:
  • How can we place emphasis on more diverse and meaningful listening and less on the traditional focus of music literacy (ie: doing research and spending more time planning intentional moments of listening)
  • How can we tie the listening experiences into what we are already doing (ie: listening to an authentic or modern-day recording of a folk song we've been singing or using a modern song as a backing track to reading rhythms)
  • How can we include music that is meaningful to current events, celebrations, and cultural connections (ie: Black History Month)

Things we mention:

Know Better, Do Better

Carrie had the opportunity to observe Maria Ellis (Girl Conductor LLC) in rehearsal with the Colorado Children's Chorale during her residency this week, and was very struck with her approach to gospel music and how she made it accessible and meaningful to the students. Check out her website with lots of resources and inspiration.

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Tanya mentions a new strategy for taking bars off Orff instruments: to teach students that they can take off bars with one hand, but to make sure to grab the bar from the far edge where the single peg is, and pull the bar up from that way so it doesn't bend the peg.


Carrie recommends Erin's Music Room as a great blog and resource store for elementary music educators

Tanya recommends the show Poker Face on Peacock


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