Episode #157: Movin' and Groovin'

Main Theme: Movin' and Groovin'

Carrie and Tanya share some of their favorite singing games, play parties, and dances that are specially good for keeping kids moving and grooving at the end of the year. 

Rig a Jig Jig - coming soon!

La Raspa 
Recording and dance instructions can be found in 

Shake Them 'Simmons - coming soon!

Simple Square

From Chimes of Dunkirk - New England Dancing Masters

Music:  Golden Slippers

Formation:  Square Dance (8 in a square, standing next to partner).  Ensure that students know their partner and corner.  Also make sure everyone knows if they are couple 1, 2, 3, or 4 and who are the head couples (1 and 3), and head couple (2 and 4).


Honor to your partner (bow or curtsy to partner)

Honor to your corner (bow of curtsy to corner)

Wave to the folks across the square (wave to other dancers in the square)

All join hands and circle to the left… (circle left 16 beats)

Now the other way back… (circle right 16 beats)


Allemande left your corner (corners allemande left)

Do-si-do your partner (partners do-si-do)

Allemande left your corner (corners allemande left)

And now you promenade the square (get in promenade position with partner)

16 beats:  promenade once with partner and stop at home


First couple back to back (couple 1 stands with backs to each other)

Separate ‘round the outside track (on the word separate start walking away from each other around the outside of the square)

When you meet your partner pass ‘em by (couple 1 passes each other on the opposite and continues to their home)

When you get home you swing your own (couple 1 starts and elbow swing)

Swing your partner ‘round and ‘round… (couple 1 continues elbow swing)

Repeat Chorus

Then repeat the figure lead by the second couple, third couple, fourth couple, head couples (#1 and #3), side couples (#2 and 4), and finally everyone.  As the dance progresses, more and more couples are going around the swing and swinging their partners.  Repeat the chorus after each figure.  The dance concludes with a repeat of the opening and then a final chorus.

For more ideas, check out Music Teacher Coffee Talk episode #28: Movement and Dance in the Music Room

Know Better, Do Better

Tanya highlighted a new master's degree program from the University of St. Thomas. This program offers a MA in Music Education with Diverse Perspectives Concentration. Learn more here!

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Carrie recommends making an Amazing wish list as a way to organize and remember items you would like for your music room and share with others who might be interested in donating things.


Tanya recommends the podcast "Wiser Than Me" with Julia Louis-Dreyfus
Carrie recommends the album "My 21st Century Symphony" by RAYE

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