Episode #174: Post Performance Ponderings
We are starting up a new Membership site on Buy Me a Coffee. We have two membership options: Solo Single Shot ($5/month) and Duet Double Shot ($15). Check out our Buy Me a Coffee membership site for all the details including the perks you get with each level of membership. We appreciate you supporting our work!
We are starting up a new Membership site on Buy Me a Coffee. We have two membership options: Solo Single Shot ($5/month) and Duet Double Shot ($15). Check out our Buy Me a Coffee membership site for all the details including the perks you get with each level of membership. We appreciate you supporting our work!
Main Theme: Post Performance Ponderings
In this episode, Carrie and Tanya talk about recent performances they've led at their schools. We talk about the general outline of our performances, what went well, what we would change if we did this performance again, and tips that we learned along the way.
Tanya did a performance with 2nd grades all about weather. She used songs and poems that relate to the 4 seasons. Each class got to perform 2 songs related to one of the seasons. Students got to play instruments and read poetry.
Carrie did a performance with 5th grade inspired by the book What Do You Do With An Idea. Students got to arrange songs they've previously learned in class this year bu adding instruments, ostinati, and thematic elements. We ended with an arrangement of A Million Dreams from the Greatest Showman.
Past Music Teacher Coffee Talk Episodes about Performances:
Know Better, Do Better
Carrie discusses the current events surrounding the Kennedy Center. We feel its important that we as musicians are aware of artistic implications of the current adminstration's policies there. Here are some resources to review and conisder:
Article: AP Article "What's Going with the Kennedy Center under Trump?"
Work Smarter, Not Harder
Tanya talks about the importance of taking care of yourself during a concert week by maintaining an early bedtime. Also consider having simple lesson plans for other grades during concert week.
Carrie recommends Kate Bright's website and the resources there
Tanya recommends the TV show Severance and the Severance Podcast with Ben Stiller and Adam Scott
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